Passive Voice Declarative Sentence | English Praa | Education Praa

2023-03-22 5

#PassiveVoiceDeclarativeSentence #englishpraa #educationpraa
The formula for a passive voice declarative sentence is typically:

Subject + Form of the verb "to be" (such as is, was, were, been, etc.) + Past participle of the main verb + by + the doer of the action (optional)

For example, in the sentence "The cake was eaten by the boy", "cake" is the subject, "was" is the form of the verb "to be", "eaten" is the past participle of the main verb "eat", and "the boy" is the doer of the action.
#passivevoice #declarativesentence #englishgrammar #grammarlessons #educationpraa #englishlanguage #languagelearning #learnenglish #englishpraa #praa #onlineeducation #englishlessons #languageeducation